American Kenpo Basics Law That You Need to Know

For decades, American Kenpo has been known as the best martial arts worldwide. Its massive success resides in the attribute to the fighting principles that are constantly rectified and defined into similar science through the efforts of the American martial arts masters.

In this essay, we all look at the American Kenpo fundamentals that will help you start practising martial arts right away. Let's get started reading.

Law 1

The Circle and Line

The first law of American Kenpo states that whenever the opponent charges straight towards you and attacks, you need to use your feet to move your body in a circular path. Moreover, you can also use your arms moving in a circular pattern to bounce the coming force.

Whenever the opponent attacks, you should respond in the same manner attack in a straight line from weapon to target.

Law 2

Strike First

This principle taught in the little dragon's classes has several meanings. That indicates us Kenpo is a striking art and involves movement of hands 70% and feet 30%. However, the proportion of the move will change according to the circumstances. That means you need to attack first and hit with a foot, elbow, knee, and fist.

Another meaning shows that the American Kenpo curriculum includes various throwing techniques and grappling. This grappling is used three, four times and can be increased based on energy and strength. You can use this technique only if the opponent tries to penetrate you first.

Law 3

Multiple Strikes

American Kenpo basics are different from the other karate styles, which teaches you to strike rapidly and at the front step. The action can be high, straight, low, and even in a circular path. In this, the striker needs to unleash the rapid-fire strikes. It becomes problematic to kiai (shout).

Hence, the striker wants to forget about issuing the Kiai with the elbow. You only spend energy.

Law 4


The Kenpo always supports striking soft targets. The fact is no one can break the wall with knuckle punching, and no one wants to fracture their hands while kicking the attacker's groin. Therefore, you need to target soft targets to avoid such injuries.

Law 5


Kenpo basics mandate to start kick with low level. The spinning reverse crescent kick and roundhouse kick to the head might be impressive and flashy. However, this kind of execution of kicks requires time and strength.

Bottom Line

These are five basic Kenpo rules that everyone should know before they start their journey of martial arts. And some basic rules that can be redefined and need to practice constantly to achieve success.


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